Embark on the captivating journey of Felix, J., the prolific writer behind the groundbreaking Knights & Legends Tabletop RPG (2018). The game not only garnered widespread attention upon its release but also inadvertently sparked discussions on gender-related limitations within the Tabletop RPG community. Amidst the polarizing views and the rise of cancel culture, Felix found himself at the epicenter of a tumultuous debate.
In the wake of the game’s launch, smear campaigns and misinformation attempts were unleashed against the author. However, amidst the chaos, an unexpected twist occurred—the cancel culture inadvertently propelled the game to new heights, expanding its audience and solidifying its vision.
Buoyed by the success, Felix offered existing buyers a complimentary upgrade to a visually enhanced version, rebranded as Knights & Legends: A Dark Fantasy Tabletop RPG 2e. Responding to valuable feedback, he crafted a trilogy of follow-up adventures—Shadow Lords, Lost Relics, and Rogue Priest Expansion—offering not only narrative closure but also an advanced expansion to the existing rules.
Fifteen months later, Felix unveiled the New Horizon: All-In-One Core Book (2019), a self-published magnum opus three times larger than its predecessors. With 180 pages, stunning illustrations, and a nuanced set of rules, New Horizon quickly outpaced the original Knights & Legends, becoming a bestseller in record time.
In a noble gesture, Felix donated profits from the New Horizon sales to a charity fundraiser for the 2020 Australian wildfires. The core book became part of a DriveThruRpg (OBS) bundle, contributing to a collective effort in aiding the cause. New Horizon remained Felix’s greatest hit, with distribution surpassing even the OSR-inspired Knights & Legends 2e fivefold.
Amid the challenges of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, Felix pursued a long-cherished dream—transforming his bestselling tabletop RPG into the immersive Knights & Legends: Dawn of a New Age, a cinematic 3D role-playing game. The playable early beta demo released in Q2 2021 garnered praise from both tabletop and video game enthusiasts, even capturing a new audience in Brazil.
In a surprising move in October 2021, Felix, J. treated fans to Knights & Legends: Dark Ink 3e after a nearly two-year hiatus. The third edition quickly became a DriveThruRpg bestseller within two weeks, marking the fastest-selling game in Felix’s career up to Q4 2021. This success emboldened him to take a decisive step, abandoning industry-standard commissions at DTRPG in favor of more favorable rates at Itch.io, a renowned indie gaming platform, ensuring uninterrupted development for his ambitious future projects.